Coach Rechy, also known as Rechy Baltazard, has made a powerful impact in his local community through his high energy, presence, and gift for motivational speaking, spreading kingdom principles, and coaching individuals to transform their lifestyles.



Coach Rechy combines personal experience with practical wisdom, making him an inspiring choice for youth-focused events. His journey from adversity to success provides young audiences with a relatable and motivational role model. Rechy has had the privilege of learning from some of the most renowned names in the speaking industry, including Les Brown, Eric Thomas, and Jeremy Anderson. His refined craft and powerful messages offer proven strategies for success. With a dynamic speaking style and actionable personal growth strategies, Rechy ensures attendees leave feeling empowered and motivated to create positive change in their lives.

Coach Rechy with Les Brown

Coach Rechy with Jeremy Anderson

Coach Rechy with Eric Thomas

Book Rechy Baltazard for Your Next Event


    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Phone Number*

    Email Address*


    Event Name*

    Event Location*

    Event Date*

    Is This Date Flexible?*


    Event Start Time*

    Event Speaking Time*

    Event Speech Duration*

    Expected Audience Size

    Speaking Budget*

    Payment Method*


    What is the purpose of the event?

    What are the core values of your organization?

    How can I add the most value with my speech?

    Is there going to be a powerpoint projector?

    What are you struggling the most with your audience that you would like me to touch on?

    What are some of your pain-points that you have for your audience that you would like me to touch on?

    What are the demographics of your audience?

    Do you intend to record or live stream this event?

    What type of audio microphone is provided? (Headworn Microphone or Hand Microphone)

    Do you intend to advertise this event on social media and for the public to come to the event? (Headshot photo will be provided for event flyer)

    Additional Comments